Allegany County, MD
Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
Vulnerability is a reflection of the community’s coping resources and may vary within the smaller social and economic groups which form a large community.
Vulnerability is (1) the susceptibility of people to injury as the result of a hazardous event, and (2) the susceptibility of the things people value to damage as the result of a hazardous event.
The 2018 Hazard Mitigation Plan identifies nine (9) natural and man-made hazards that impact Allegany County. For this plan update, two (2) new hazards have been added: Emerging Infectious Diseases and Dam Failure. Residents and visitors of Allegany County are vulnerable to the following eleven (11) hazard types:
Flood (Riverine and Flash)
Winter Storm (Extreme Cold)
Severe Weather (Thunderstorm, Lightning, Hail, Fog)
Excessive Heat & Drought
Soil Movement (Land Subsidence)
HazMat Transportation
Rail Accidents
Dam Failure
Emerging Infectious Diseases
You can learn more about each hazard by reviewing the 2018 Allegany County Hazard Mitigation Plan, or by scrolling through the slideshow below.